Saturday, November 29, 2008

Today there was a Christmas Festival in town and it was so great. It was really different but cool.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So I was in Cheb, Czech. Republic from the 16th to the 22nd. We did a lot of different things, had some CRAZY experiences, ate amazing food, got brownies thrown at us, it snowed!, got offered cigarettes by 10 year old kids... but it was awesome and such a growing experience. I learned a lot. But it's so good to be back at the castle. And sleep in a bed.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Winter Wonderland

There's so much snow!!!!
I was gone this past week to Cheb. I'll write more about that later.. but we got back and there's at least 6 inches of snow everywhere! It's beautiful.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome to the Tribe of Death

It's been a crazy week. Our speaker is from South Africa and he's so awesome! He basically yells so its really easy to pay attention. He's been talking about things holding us back and laying down our rights. Also fully submitting ourselves to God. Its been really awesome but kind of difficult to think of all the things I love and to think of giving it all up is really hard. I love it though. It's really challenging and inspiring and really good.
Today was crazy. And I don't know what to do. And I have some big decisions to make.. but Im living my dream and so many opportunities are opening up. God is good.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Weird day..

Today felt like the longest day ever for some reason. We found out where we are going for outreach!!!! I cant post it on here but if you want to know just send me an email ( or a facebook message. Im SOOO excited!! It's going to be amazing.

I'm working on updating my Flickr account so if you want to see some pictures here's the link.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This whole week has been extremely foggy. Its beautiful! And it feels like a fairy tale kind of. Tonight we ran down a huge hill/field in the fog and it was AMAZING.

Here's a picture of it during the day..

Today was a really good day. I love Germany.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This week is going really well! I love the speaker and she's been talking about worship which is cool. Today we read Psalm 103 and just praised God for awhile and it was really awesome because we don't usually take time to just thank God for what He's doing for us. It went by so quick! I'm realizing how much I really can't live without God in my life and how much He really does for me.

We had chili for lunch yesterday which is one of my favorite meals here.

This is part of my workduty (cleaning the 'boutique'). These are pictures from yesterday of before and after I cleaned a part of it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

So today was a good day. Basically all plans failed and I fell off a bike but no big deal. We went to an abandoned building to take pictures and it was awesome! Abandoned buildings are one of my favorite things. And then tonight I met another girl from Grand Rapids! doing a DTS in Slovakia! Its such a small world I love it.

Here's some pictures of the abandoned building..