I got to go home for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! : )
I went home on the 13th and stayed until the 28th. So I just got back yesterday around 10 am but I had such an awesome time at home. It was amazing to see everyone again. Finally : ) My parents were so amazing to bring me home : ) and it went by so fast! But now Im back and ready for outreach! Im ready to take some pictures and be in the sun. I've really been thinking about how blessed I am. And how amazing it is to be here even though it gets so hard sometimes.. I am blessed with such an awesome family who loves me and supports me no matter what and an amazing boyfriend and friends and God has given me so much that I take for granted. It was crazy to go home and have my own room, my own shower, privacy! and my own choice of food : ) It was good to be home and see familiar faces. And Im going to miss everyone again until May! I love you guys.